Sentinel Stories | |
Guide's Dogs | Jim discovers something he can do for his guide. Prequel to: Housetraining |
He Understood | Jim gets himself in the Christmas spirit. |
I've Risen And Can't Get Down! | Jim gets stuck. |
Housetraining | Jim is once more attempting to house break his roommates, human and otherwise. |
Title, Title, Who Has The Title? | Who really owns Blair's new car? |
Kindergarden Sentinel | Jim meets an old friend |
Insanity Level | Jim is acting weird. Is it just stress? |
Accidents Will Happen | Blair has an accident. |
Simon and the Guides | Simon has to go and rescue his best team. |
Mrs. Ellison | There's a new Mrs. Ellison! |
Stupid Fines | The boys learn the cost of stupid behavior. |
Egypt | An Egpytian Sentinel and his Jewish guide. |
Following the Leader | Just another day at the Cascade PD with our favorite detective. Or is it? |
Friend in Need | Blair's car leads him to a realization about JIm |
Comparing Notes | Don't try to fit this into a time line for any of the shows because it won't work. Just think if it as a "what if?" story where the two Captains, one Lieutenant and one General talk about their favorite and most troublesome teams. Written with JenR and TAE. (Note: This story is hosted at A Stopping Place, JenR's fanfic site. You will be going to another site for this story.) KF/TS/SG-1 |
Birthday Wars (5 K) | Somebody gets a birthday present and sweares revenge, but who really sent the gift? KF/TS (02/03/05) |
That's MISTER Bunny to you (7 K) | What happens when the Easter Bunny gets taken hostage? (03/27/07) |
That's What Father's Do (29 K) | Josiah comes ot the rescue of a family member. Rated: G M7/ TS (07/21/07) |
email: | AnneAcK's Email Address |
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Sunday May 09 2010 |